General information
Where is my data located?
All data pertaining to AnythingLLM Desktop will be in the following locations. Please replace <usr>
with your
device username.
On Mac:
/Users/<usr>/Library/Application Support/anythingllm-desktop/storage
On Linux:
On Windows:
What is each folder?
: This it where your local vector database and its tables are stored.documents
: This is the parsed document content of any uploaded files.vector-cache
: This folder is the cached and embedded representation of a previous uploaded and embedded file. Its filename is hashed.models
: Any locally stored LLMs or Embedder models used by the system are stored here. Typically are GGUF files.anythingllm.db
: This is the AnythingLLM SQLite database.plugins
: This is the folder where your custom agent skills are stored.