Appearance Customization
These settings are only available in the Docker version of AnythingLLM
AnythingLLM allows you to customize the look and feel of your instance to match your brand and identity.

Overview of all the appearance settings available in AnythingLLM.
Custom Logo

You can replace the AnythingLLM branded logo that appears on the login page and throughout the app with your own brand's logo. In this example, we have used a green square image for demonstration purposes.
Custom Welcome Messages

By default, when you first log in to AnythingLLM and you have not yet selected a workspace, you will be shown the default messages explaining AnythingLLM. Using the system messages inputs, you can simulate both system and user response messages. Take this opportunity to tell users what specific workspaces are for - or just say hello!
Custom Footer Links and Icons

The footer icons can be replaced with custom links and icons to provide quick access to relevant resources or web pages.