Using AI Agents
Custom Skills
plugin.json reference

This page is intended for developers who want to create custom agent skills for AnythingLLM.

plugin.json reference

The plugin.json file is used to define a custom agent skill for AnythingLLM. It is a JSON file that contains the following properties:

  // see #active for more information
  "active": true,
  // see #hubId for more information
  "hubId": "open-meteo-weather-api",
  // see #name for more information
  "name": "Get Weather",
  // see #other_properties for more information
  "schema": "skill-1.0.0",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "Gets the weather for a given location latitude and longitude using the open-meteo API",
  "author": "@tcarambat",
  "author_url": "",
  "license": "MIT",
  // see #setup_args for more information
  "setup_args": {
      "type": "string",
      "required": false,
      "input": {
        "type": "text",
        "default": "YOUR_OPEN_METEO_API_KEY",
        "placeholder": "sk-1234567890",
        "hint": "The API key for the open-meteo API"
  // see #examples for more information
  "examples": [
      "prompt": "What is the weather in Tokyo?",
      "call": "{\"latitude\": 35.6895, \"longitude\": 139.6917}"
      "prompt": "What is the weather in San Francisco?",
      "call": "{\"latitude\": 37.7749, \"longitude\": -122.4194}"
      "prompt": "What is the weather in London?",
      "call": "{\"latitude\": 51.5074, \"longitude\": -0.1278}"
  // see #entrypoint for more information
  "entrypoint": {
    "file": "handler.js",
    "params": {
      "latitude": {
        "description": "Latitude of the location",
        "type": "string"
      "longitude": {
        "description": "Longitude of the location",
        "type": "string"
  // see #imported for more information
  "imported": true


The active property is a boolean that determines if the custom agent skill is active. If it is set to false, the custom agent skill will not be loaded.


The name property is a string that is used to identify the custom agent skill. This is the human-readable name of the skill that is displayed in the AnythingLLM UI.


The hubId property is a string that is used to identify the custom agent skill. This must be the same as the parent folder name.


The other_properties property is a list of other properties that are used to define the custom agent skill. These are mostly optional and will not impact performance of the skill directly. See reference below for more information.

  "schema": "skill-1.0.0", // REQUIRED - do not change
  "version": "1.0.0", // REQUIRED - can be defined by user
  "description": "short description of the custom agent skill", // REQUIRED
  "author": "@tcarambat", // OPTIONAL - author tag of the custom agent skill
  "author_url": "", // OPTIONAL - url of the author of the custom agent skill
  "license": "MIT" // OPTIONAL - license of the custom agent skill


Setup arguments are used to configure the custom agent skill from the UI and make runtime arguments accessible in the handler.js file when the skill is called. The key of the setup argument is the name of the argument that is used in the handler.js file, while its properties automatically generate the UI and inputs for the argument in the AnythingLLM UI.

"setup_args": {
      "type": "string", // What type of value is expected
      "required": false, // Is the argument required
      // Defines the UI of the input to be rendered in the AnythingLLM UI
      "input": {
        "type": "text", // What type of input to be rendered
        "default": "YOUR_OPEN_METEO_API_KEY", // Default value of the input
        "placeholder": "sk-1234567890", // Placeholder text for the input
        "hint": "The API key for the open-meteo API" // Hint text for the input
      "value": "" // (optional) preset value of the argument - will be replaced by the user input in the AnythingLLM UI, but can be hardcoded.


The examples property is a array of examples that are used to pre-inject examples into the custom agent skill. These are optional but highly encouraged as providing some expected examples helps LLMs determine the more "use-case" oriented implementation of the skill. Try to provide anywhere from 1-3 examples that are relevant to the skill as these are injected into the prompt and can help guide the LLM in the correct direction.

The call property should match the expected input format of the custom agent skill in the handler.js file.

// handler.js
module.exports.runtime = {
  // latitude and longitude are the expected parameters for the custom agent skill
  handler: async function ({ latitude, longitude }) {
    // ... do something with latitude and longitude
"examples": [
  // Example prompts and expected invocation format for the custom agent skill
  // these are optional but highly encouraged since they help the LLM understand the expected format of the custom agent skill
  // and when to use the associated skill with respect to the user prompt.
  // This is known as "few-shot prompting" and is a best practice when creating custom agent skills.
    "prompt": "What is the weather in Tokyo?",
    "call": "{\"latitude\": 35.6895, \"longitude\": 139.6917}"
    "prompt": "What is the weather in San Francisco?",
    "call": "{\"latitude\": 37.7749, \"longitude\": -122.4194}"
    "prompt": "What is the weather in London?",
    "call": "{\"latitude\": 51.5074, \"longitude\": -0.1278}"


The entrypoint property is used to define the entrypoint of the custom agent skill and the expected inputs! This is the file location and invocation parameters that are used to execute the custom agent skill.

"entrypoint": {
  "file": "handler.js", // location of the file to be executed with respect to the plugin.json file
  "params": {
    // all properties require a description and type and should match the expected input format of the custom agent skill in the handler.js file
    "latitude": {
      "description": "Latitude of the location", // Short description of the parameter purpose
      "type": "string" // supported types: string, number, boolean
    "longitude": {
      "description": "Longitude of the location",
      "type": "string"


this value must be set to true.